The Ringing Went Away
I remember the patient for whom I have been prescribing Norco for pain for four to five years. After learning about the true nature of opioid medication, I suggested we wean him off his usual dose of two Norco a day.
He was very reluctant at first, like most patients, but after several recommendations he agreed.
We cut down his regular use of Norco by a half tablet a day, patient’s choice, every 2 weeks. After a few months of weaning, I no longer saw the patient on a regular basis.
One day, for another complaint, I asked the patient, “By the way how are you doing without the daily Norco? He said, “You know, Doc—I can’t believe it but the ringing in my ears stopped! I’m so happy. “
His pain had not changed and was no worse without the daily Norco. And when he does take a Norco, it helps a lot more.
I’ve spent my visits warning patients of the side effects of opiates but never knew there were so many other benefits when they stop daily use.
“The ringing in my ears stopped!”
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